I am deeply grateful for the invitation to deliver a lecture to the amazing international students. This event was proudly organized by Massey University HR Society and HRNZ – Human Resources Institute of New Zealand!
非常感激能受邀为广大留学生同学们讲课, 此次活动由梅西大学HR Society 和HRNZ – 新西兰人力资源协会主办!🌟
📩 Interested in the full details in English? Feel free to contact me!
After the lecture at Massey University, more than 20 students signed up for next Wednesday’s course on the same day. The online bilingual training camp (Chinese and English) is held only once a year, woul you share it with those who need it?
衷心感谢组织者Anel-Carline Beukes、Emil Sunny以及她们身后出色的团队,精心筹备了如此精彩的活动!你们的奉献精神展现得淋漓尽致,与众多充满热情的学生互动并分享求职策略,真是我的荣幸。
特别感谢HRNZ 奥克兰的总裁Michal Pawlowicz和Toastmaster 新西兰的公关副总裁Kenneth Gustilo的精彩发言和支持,极具启发性!
在梅西大学的讲座之后,当天就有20多位同学报名下周三的课程. 中英双语的线上训练营一年只做一次,分享给需要的朋友们好吗?他们会感谢你的。